Friday 21 October 2011

Rowlawn's Press Release!!

Rowlawn issued a Press Release about the use of their turf on Skyborn!!

Thursday 13 October 2011

Email Updates!

Hi everyone!

Since news is sporadic during post-production - I thought you might like to sign up to follow our blog updated via email! Link to the left!

Very excitingly I registered today - this may seem slightly over enthusiastic, and perhaps sad, but it's our first website! It seems to signify moving into the 'exhibition' stage of this whole process, which is SO exciting considering how much love and time we've all put into it. Funny how the 'end' can be in sight in the middle of the edit... I suppose that keeps us all going!

Anyway, Jamie and I send our love!

Monday 10 October 2011

Skyborn Post Production Update

Hallo everyone!

Just a quick message to say thank you for your continued support and good vibes during the edit! I will upload some pictures of post-production soon!

It's getting quite exciting now - Jamie has been working with James, our Editor, for a couple of weeks and we are due to picture lock on Friday! Graham, the composer, is cracking ahead and Jens, Sound Designer is readying himself for the tracklay!

The film looks superb. It is really tying together, the performances are fantastic and it has quite an emotional end, which I love!!

Jamie is still animating - we moved him down from Scotland into the Old Library at school, and he's hidden away, underneath the stairs in there... we've told him to stay put unless he runs out of water.

Helen Brownell has started sending us tweaked shots to drop into the timeline as the fog sometimes didn't behave - they are working... And the miniatures look gorgeous!!

In other news, Bastien is currently editing the 'making of' - which is looking superb!! He did a brilliant job of capturing the atmosphere on set and it's so sweet to watch it all back! We will show it when we show you the finished film in March and it won't go any further than crew so there's no need for anyone to feel too camera shy. ;)

Well, we can't wait for the film to be ready to screen... but sit tight and I'll upload some pictures of the team shortly! And when Kitty's done with stills I may leak a few too...

Lots of love to our Cast, Crew and Supporters,

Len xxx